Class GraphRuleAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphRuleAdapter

        public GraphRuleAdapter​(org.eclipse.emf.henshin.interpreter.Engine engine,
                                ModelGraph graph)
        Creates an adapter wrapping a rule implementing the elements of the given graph as preserved elements.

        Note: The rule implementing the graph is created during initialization. Later changes to the graph are not reflected by the adapter.

        engine - engine used to apply the wrapped rule
        graph - graph to create the rule from
    • Method Detail

      • getGraphToRuleMap

        public Map<ModelNode,​org.eclipse.emf.henshin.model.Node> getGraphToRuleMap()
        Returns a map between the nodes of the graph used to create the rule represented by this adapter and their counterpart nodes in the rule.
        mapping of nodes of the graph to rule nodes